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Kossel’s Balloon Catheter Applied in Minimally Invasive Surgery

What types of balloon catheter do Kossel offer?

Kossel provides a variety of balloon catheters, including PTCA, NC PTCA, PTA, CTO balloon dilatation catheters which meet major clinical applications.

pta balloon catheter                            PTCA BALLOON DILATATION CATHETER
What is Minimally Invasive Surgery?
Minimally invasive surgery refers to any surgical procedure that is performed through tiny incisions instead of a large opening. Because your surgeon will make smaller incisions, you will likely have a quicker recovery time and less pain than traditional open surgery but with the same benefits as traditional surgery.
The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include:
• Smaller incisions
• Less pain
• Minimal to no scars
• Less blood loss
• Lower rate of complications
• Shorter hospital stay


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