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Classification and materials of balloons and stents

The two basic functions of the pta balloon catheter are: 1. The balloon and expansion facilitate the smooth placement of the subsequent stent; 2. The posterior expansion of the balloon ensures that the stent is fully expanded or well adhered to the wall. The performance indicators for evaluating balloon catheters generally include balloon outer diameter, tracking, pushability, flexibility and compliance.

The compliance of the balloon refers to the corresponding change in the shape or volume of the balloon for each additional atmospheric pressure when the balloon is inflated, and is an indicator of balloon stretchability. Semi-compliant balloons and non-compliant balloons mainly use materials such as PE, Nylon and polyethylene terephthalate.

There are many classification criteria for peripheral vascular stents. Based on the stent release method, it can be divided into Balloon-expandable stent and Self-expanding stent, drug soated stent, and covered stent. The metal frame material of the stent is generally stainless steel wire, nickel-titanium alloy and cobalt-chromium alloy.



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