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SEC 2023 Congress concluded successfully

The 16th China Southern Endovascular Congress lasted 4 days and successfully concluded on July 16, 2023.
As one of the most influential events in China’s vascular field, the conference adheres to the purpose of “higher, more refined and better” and continues to lead the rapid development of the industry.
This conference has been carefully prepared, with a total of 7 conferences, 24 thematic panels, 57 special sessions, 7 pre-conference meetings, 11 satellite meetings, 5 product listing meetings, 2 nursing forums, 6 case competitions and skills competitions. The scope involves basic research, clinical diagnosis and treatment, evidence-based medicine, hot topics, research and development and transformation, application of new theories and technologies, complication prevention and vascular disease nursing, etc.
Kossel Medical continues to support the development of the academic field. During the conference, a series of peripheral intervention products including PTA balloon catheter, Vena cava filter and Retrieval Set were shown, and many experts came to watch and experience the products. I believe that through the extensive publicity of the conference, Kossel Medical products will be more widely known.

pta balloon catheter
Vena cava filter
Retrieval Set


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