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HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter – Your Solution for Peripheral Vascular Intervention

The Peripheral Vascular High-Pressure Balloon Dilatation Catheter represents a cutting-edge solution in the field of peripheral vascular interventions. Specifically designed to address peripheral vascular diseases and conditions, this innovative catheter offers enhanced capabilities for medical professionals aiming to treat vascular stenosis, occlusions, and related issues. With its high-pressure capabilities and advanced design, this catheter enables precise and effective interventions, leading to improved outcomes for patients.

Product Purpose:
The primary purpose of the HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter is to treat peripheral vascular diseases and conditions, including stenosis, occlusions, and other obstructions in blood vessels located outside the coronary arteries. This catheter facilitates percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), a minimally invasive procedure that helps restore blood flow to the affected areas, thus improving circulation and reducing symptoms for the patient.

Product Structure:
The HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter boasts a sophisticated and durable construction, ensuring optimal performance during procedures. Its key components include:

1. Balloon:
The catheter features an inflatable balloon made of high-quality materials, which can be precisely inflated and deflated. This balloon serves as the primary tool for dilating the narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

2. Catheter Shaft:
The shaft of the catheter is designed to be flexible yet sturdy, allowing for smooth navigation through the vascular system. It provides excellent torque control and pushability, enabling physicians to maneuver the catheter accurately.

3. Marker Bands:
The catheter incorporates radiopaque marker bands that enhance visibility under fluoroscopy or X-ray guidance. These markers help position the balloon accurately at the target location, ensuring precise treatment.

Product Working Method:
The HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter works based on the concept of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Here is an overview of the product’s working method:

1. Access and Navigation:
The catheter is inserted into the patient’s vascular system through a minimally invasive access point, typically via the femoral artery or other suitable access routes.

2. Advancement to the Target Site:
The physician navigates the catheter through the blood vessels, guided by fluoroscopy or other imaging techniques, until it reaches the site of the vascular obstruction.

3. Balloon Inflation:
Once at the target site, the balloon at the distal end of the catheter is inflated. The inflation causes the narrowed or blocked vessel walls to expand, creating a wider pathway for improved blood flow.

4. Balloon Deflation and Removal:
After a brief period of dilation, the balloon is deflated and carefully removed, leaving the newly widened vessel to facilitate improved blood circulation.

The HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter is a state-of-the-art peripheral vascular intervention product that provides physicians with a powerful tool to effectively treat vascular stenosis and occlusions. Its advanced design and precise working method enable safe and successful procedures, offering patients better outcomes and improved quality of life. With the HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter, medical professionals can confidently address peripheral vascular issues, making a significant impact on patient care and vascular health.

HP PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter


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