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The 34th Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology –Asian Heart Society Congress 2023

From September 7th to 10th, 2023, the 34th Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology (GW-ICC 2023) and the Asian Heart Society Congress (AHS 2023) were held grandly in Beijing.

Sabelly® non-compliant peripheral balloon dilatation catheter

Cardiovascular experts and scholars from both domestic and international backgrounds gathered at the “Great Wall Conference” to provide advice and insights on the conference theme of “High-Quality Development, Comprehensive Care Across the Disease Spectrum.” Through exchanges and discussions, they examined the current status and development trends of cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment both domestically and internationally. This gathering aimed to deepen the understanding of cardiovascular diseases among the participants and explore more effective treatment methods and preventive measures.

balloon dilatation catheter

The exhibition area outside the venue is one of the highlights of this conference, showcasing the latest and cutting-edge technologies and products used in the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases. Kossel Medtech brought a series of products related to coronary arteries and electrophysiology, engaging in discussions and sharing insights with the attendees.

balloon diameter

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