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The 9th Vascular Forum of Guangzhou Medical University concluded perfectly!

Kossel Medtech’s Octoparms® vena cava filter has its own patent. It is the first innovative medical device approved for market by the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). It is the first domestic umbrella-shaped recyclable vena cava filter with high stability, long recovery period and easy removal. Kossel also produces PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter and PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter.

Kossel Medtech has a full range of balloon catheters, metal stents, drug binding, cryoablation and shockwave and other passive and active technology platforms, products cover peripheral intervention, cardiac electrophysiology, coronary intervention, endovascular intervention and other fields, aiming to become a leading enterprise in the interventional field.

pta balloon catheter


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