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Selepass® balloon catheter continues to receive clinical praise in Japan

Kossel Medtech’s Selepass® balloon catheters has been approved for marketing in Japan. Recently, a classic clinical application of CTO intervention has been completed in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Selepass® has excellent performance. It has a small pass-through outer diameter, super-slip hydrophilic coating (invention patent), superb flap technology and soft balloon material, which guarantees the passability, can easily pass CTO lesions, and is clinically abroad. Received wide acclaim.

Kossel Medtech was established in November 2013, located in Suzhou It is a platform enterprise with comprehensive production and research and development capabilities of vascular interventional devices, like PTCA balloon dilatation catheter and PTA balloon catheter.

pta balloon catheter PTCA BALLOON DILATATION CATHETER Selepass® balloon catheter





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