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Good News! | Oarsurvey™ Angiographic Sizing Catheter Approved by NMPA

Recently, the Oarsurvey™ Angiographic Sizing Catheter which Kossel Medtech independently developed has obtained approval for market launch from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).


Conventional angiographic catheters can only deliver contrast medium singly, resulting in imaging effects. The Angiographic Sizing Catheter, with the advantages of accurate marking, measuring vascular lesion length and diameter, and directly delivering contrast agents, solves the problems of inaccurate marking, measurement during the use of current angiographic catheters, and the need to withdraw the guidewire to provide contrast agents.

The Oarsurvey™ Angiographic Sizing Catheter consists of a catheter hub, stress diffusion tube, catheter body, and radiopaque marker band. The marker band has high precision, the catheter shows overall imaging and is resistant to high pressure. Additionally, to make readings more convenient, the 20cm measurement segment of the pigtail catheter has three widened marker bands, enabling rapid measurement. It is used in precision measurements during interventional surgery, providing a basis for surgeons to choose surgical approaches.


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