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Development and selection of vena cava filter

The history of vena cava filters
In 1868, Trousseau proposed that blocking the vena cava could prevent pulmonary embolism;
In 1893, the first case of inferior vena cava ligation pta balloon catheter was reported to prevent pulmonary embolism;
In 1963, during abdominal surgery for the first time, a plastic clamp was implanted in the inferior vena cava to prevent lung embolism. Embolism;
In 1967, the first percutaneous subcutaneous vena cava filter was born.
In 1968, Eicheter began to use vena cava filters extensively in clinical practice.
After the temporary removable vena cava filter was approved for marketing in the United States in 2003, the application range of the vena cava filter has been further expanded.

Classification of filters
1.temporary filter such as:Tempofilter II
2.permanent filter such as:Cordis TrapEase
3.convertible filter such as:VenaTech™ Convertible
4.retrievable filter (According to the shape, it can be divided into umbrella type and shuttle type)
such as: Octoparms® Vena Cava Filter and Cordis OptEase
Umbrella-shaped recyclable filters are widely recognized by doctors and scholars due to their recyclability, high stability and low perforation rate. and is the most widely used in clinical practice.

pta balloon catheter


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